30 March, 2011
21 March, 2011

13 March, 2011
doin' it & doin' it & doin' it well

Luckily, we both possess too much zeal for our own good, and arranged it to where we could get a final, "for-real" goodbye. I tried my best to look pretty before seeing him again, but there is only so much you can do with having had little to no sleep, crying fits that have occurred every hour on the hour for four days, and a heart that isn't sure if it's going to, or wants to, keep beating. Still, I got in our car and drove quickly through the inky night to where he was. I hardly dared to breathe as I waited for him to come to the car. I looked down and saw that my heart was pounding so hard it was causing the little charm on my necklace to flit back and forth. Finally he came, and we had our moment. We kissed, we cried (okay, so maybe it was just me crying, but for the sake of the story I shall pretend he was crying too), we laughed, we held on to each other tight until it was time to go. That goodbye felt firm, final, and peaceful. I didn't cry as I drove away, I felt this overwhelming sense of calm rush through me.
This was happening, it really was. My husband was leaving me for 365 days. And I was okay.
07 March, 2011
I have been wanting to make a new post for a while now, but so much has happened since May of 2010 that I hardly know where to begin.
So I am not going to furiously type out a long-winded recap of the past 10 months. Instead, I will start clean and go forth, with the promise of a new entry at least a few times a week.
If you came here looking for "good" writing, you will probably be sorely disappointed. In the lovestoned haze of newlywed life, my writing has become lazy, and the words that used to spill out of my brain so easily simply do not want to arrange themselves into any sort of coherent thought process.
I will occasionally use this blog as an outlet for some of my writing ventures, but mostly I would like to use it as a cheap and easy form of therapy, especially for this next year. Also, as a way for my family and friends to keep up with my European travels.
So, here is to no more neglecting of my blog!